厨师推介 Chef Recommendation 蔡澜说:“只要吃得开心,精神就会快乐,身体自然会健康。” Chief Recommend 醉香火焰排骨 Fire Flame Drunken Pork Ribs 白松露脆紫薯 Crispy Sweet Potato with Piedmont White Truffle 浓汤苋菜元宝 Chicken Cream Soup with Spinach & Dumpling Chief Recommend 鼓汁虾滑豆腐 Handmade Prawn Pasta & Beancurd with Soy Bean Sauce Chief Recommend 酱烤福豚馍馍皮 Terriyaki Pork Belly with Handmade “Mo Mo” Skin Chief Recommend 川味猪蹄煲 Braised Pork Trotter with Sze Chuan Style in Claypot Chief Recommend 金沙脆玉菇 Crispy Matsutaken Mushroom with Salted Eggs 蒜茅香焗奶白菜 Baked Lemon Grass with Cabbage in Claypot Photo Chief Recommend 养生黑蒜鲜蔬 Stir Vegetables with Black Garlic Photo Chief Recommend 香炒手工虾面 Prawns Handmade Noodles Photo ✻
“食材是人类好友,味蕾是择友标准,尝遍鱼肉荤食之后,令人忆苦思甜,是享受。” 波士顿龙虾 Boston Lobster 苏格兰蓝龙虾 Scotland Lobster Photo 法国面包蟹 French Edible 深海蜘蛛蟹 Spider Crab 加拿大生蚝 Canada Oyster 日本扇贝 Japan Shell Scallop 象拔蚌 Geoduck 南非鲜鲍鱼 South Africa Fresh Abalone 东星斑 Miniatus Grouper 游水顺壳鱼 Shun Fu Fish 游水苏眉鱼 Sumei Fish Photo ✻
“世间唯有爱与美食不能辜负,找到对的人,与吃对的食物,同样重要。” Chef Recommend 川椒辣子豆腐 Deep Fried Bean curd with Szechuan Spicer Photo 蜜汁桂豆脆花腩 Deep Fried Crispy Pork Belly with Honey Sauce Photo 肉松蒜香金枕头 Deep Fried Pumpkins with Chicken Floss 蛋皮肉松鸭方块 Crispy Roasted Duck Photo Chef Recommend 五香椒盐鱼球 Deep Fried Fish Fillet with Salt & Pepper Photo 锅煎西班牙猪爽肉 Pan Seared Marinated Pork Neck with homemade Sauce ✻
“煲,就是用文火煮食物,慢慢地熬。煲汤可以使食物的营养成分有效地溶解在汤水中,易于人体消化和吸收。” 乌鸡党参药膳汤 Double Boiled Black Chicken with Herbs Photo Chef Recommend 南北杏雪梨炖鸡汤 Double Boiled Chicken Soup with Pear & Almonds Photo 姫松茸炖汤 Double Boiled Chicken Soup with Matsutake Mushroom Photo Chef Recommend 枸杞鹿茸功夫汤 Double Boiled Chicken Soup with Medlar and Pilose Antler 包罗万有土鸡汤 Double Boiled Village Chicken Soup with Pork Stomach and Dried Clam Photo Chef Recommend 瑶柱菜胆鸡窝汤 Double Boiled Village Chicken Soup with Dried Scallop, Jinhua Ham and Cabbage 胡椒猪肚排骨汤 Double Boiled Pork Intestine with Pork Rib Photo Chef Recommend 养生火蒜鱼鳔汤 Double Boiled Black Garlic with Fish Maw Photo ✻
“芽姜紫醋炙银鱼,雪碗擎来二尺余,尚有桃花春气在,此中风味胜莼鲈。--苏东坡” 祕制头抽 蒸, 煎 Steamed or Pan Fried with Japanese Soy Sauce Photo 潮汕蒸 Steamed with “Teo Chew” Style Photo 泰式辣椒蒸 Steamed with Thai Style Chili Photo 蒜辣蒸 Steamed with Garlic and Chili Chef Recommend 上海榨菜芋香蒸 Steamed with Pickled Mustard tuber and Yam Photo 泰式明爐蒸 Steamed with Thai Style Chef Recommend 潮州芋头鱼香煲 Clay pot Fish with Yam in “Teo Chew” Style Photo 酥姜豆豉蒸 Steamed with Ginger and Salted Black Bean Sauce Photo Chef Recommend 川菜肉丝蒸 Sichuan Cuisine with Shredded Meat ✻
“没有诗歌,没有音乐,没有艺术,没有良心,没有感情,没有朋友,没有书籍,我都可以活下去,但是作为文明人的我离不开美食。--法国思想家狄德罗” 泰式枫柑酱 Deep Fried Thai Lime Sauce 印尼椰香咖喱煲 Claypot Curry in Indonesia Sytle 绍兴花雕蛋白蒸 Steamed with Chinese Glutinous Rice Wine and Egg White Photo Chef Recommend 堂煮明炉醉虾 Steamed with Chinese Herbal and Wine Photo 日式米香虾 Crispy Prawns with Japanese Rice 避风塘炒虾 Wok-Fried Prawns with Garlic & Chili Photo 日式鱼籽脆皮虾球 Deep Fried Salad Prawn with Frying Fish Roe Photo Chef Recommend 黑松露鲜虾 Black Truffles Prawns Photo ✻
“美食除了满足味蕾的功能外,更能温暖人心,一顿美味食物可以让身体放松,心里满足,精神愉悦。” 浙江风味鸡 Deep Fried Chicken “Zhe Jiang” Sauce 老干妈香辣鸡丁 Sauteed Diced Chicken with Lao Gan Ma Sauce Photo 葡萄红酒酥香鸡 Deep Fried Chicken with Grape & Red Wine Sauce Photo Chef Recommend 新疆茴香鸡 Xinjiang Chicken with Fennel 笼仔米酒鸡 Steamed Chicken with Chinese Rice Wine in Bamboo Cage 水晶白切鸡 Steamed Crystal Chicken Photo 跳舞鸡 A-Go-Go Chicken Photo Chef Recommend 火焰吊烧鸡 (预订) Roasted Chicken with Fire (Pre Order) Photo 锅煎烟鸭 Pan Seared Smoked Duck Photo 明炉当归烧鸭 Roasted Duck with Herb Photo 伦敦进又特制烧鸭 (预订) Special Imported Crispy London Duck (Pre Order) Photo ✻
“油炸肉炖皆可口,也喜素食也喜荤。《诗篇· 土豆歌》” 香茅红酒骨支 Deep Fried Pork Rib with Red Wine Sauce 天然麦芽酱骨 Deep Fried Pork Rib with Malta Sauce Chef Recommend 稻香醉酒东坡肉 Braised Pork Ribs with Red Sago and Wine 辣味奶油排骨 Deep Fried Pork Rib with Spicy & Butter Sauce Photo Chef Recommend 章鱼猪筋煲 Braised Pork Trotter with Dried Octopus and Chinese Herbs 铁板西班牙伊比利亚猪柳 Stir Fried Spanish Iberico Pork Loin with Black Pepper Photo ✻
“重蔬食,崇俭约,尚真味,主清淡,忌油腻,讲洁美,慎杀生,求食益。” 清炒时蔬 (玻璃⽣菜, 苋菜, 小白菜 etc) Stir Fried Vegetables Photo XO酱炒三大美人 Stir Fried Mixed Vegetable with XO Sauce Photo Chef Recommend 堂煮腐乳香菜胆 Stir Fried Vegetables with Fermented Bean curd 芝士焗烤鲜菇 Stir Fried Chives with Dry Cuttlefish Photo 清炒澳洲芦笋 Stir Fried Australian Asparagus Photo 清炒有机青龙菜 Stir Fried Chives Chef Recommend 金藕杏香蔬 Stir Fried Lotus Root and Pumpkins with Almond Flakes Photo 双鼎芥兰 Stir Fried HK Kai Lan in Two Varieties Chef Recommend 瑶柱蟹肉奶白菜 Stir Fried Cabbage with Crab Meat Photo 锦绣扇影烩时蔬 (预定) Special Hand made Vegetables (Adv Order) Photo ✻
“豆腐是人们平时经常食用的物美价廉的食 品。它含有丰富的蛋白质和对人体有益的 多种矿物质,营养价值非常高。” 砂锅金汁扒豆腐 Braised Bean curd with Pumpkin in Claypot Photo 杞子养生滑豆腐 Bean curd with Goji Berry Photo Chef Recommend 香滑奶酥豆腐 Bean curd with Creamy Sauce Photo 铁板黑椒豆腐 Bean curd with Black Pepper in Sizzling Plate Photo 顺德山水豆腐 Steamed Beancurd Top with Minced Sauce Photo Chef Recommend 柴鱼松菇豆腐 Braised Bean curd and Shimeiji Mushroom Top with Bonito Flakes 酱皇海鲜豆腐 Braised Bean curd with Seafood Photo Chef Recommend 瑶柱珠光盒豆腐 In filled Bean curd with Dried Scallop ✻
“烧烤是人类最原始的烹调方式。自从人类 掌握用火的方法之后,烧烤就一直伴随着 人们的饮食。” 锅煎西班牙伊比利亚猪扒 Pan-fried Iberico Pork Chop Photo 中式/法式红酒煎鹅肝 (预订) Goose Liver with Abalone Sauce/Red Wine Sauce (Pre Order) Chef Recommend 两味北京片皮填鸭 (预订) Peking duck in Two Style (Pre Order) 法式芝士燒焗生虾(须等30分钟) Oven Baked King Prawn w Cheese & Assortments (30 min waiting time) Photo Chef Recommend 炭烤脆皮烧乳猪 Charcoal Suckling Piglet Photo Chef Recommend 西班牙伊比利亚猪排 Oven Baked Spanish Iberico Spare Pork Ribs Chef Recommend A5神户牛肉(日本进口) A5 Grade Kobe Beef (Japan Imported) ✻
“食材会变,时空会变,只要心意不变,就 能找到记忆中最初的味道。” 道地咖哩蔬菜煲 Mixed Vegetable with Curry in Clay pot Photo 砂煲砂拉越白胡椒焗虾 Stew Prawns with Sarawak White Pepper in Clay Pot Photo Chef Recommend 干锅海参蹄根煲 Braised Sea Cucumber and Pork Trotter in Claypot Chef Recommend 暹味生虾粉丝煲 Braised Vermicelli with Sea Prawn in Thai Flavor Chef Recommend 黑椒花腩鹅掌煲 Braised Goose Palm and Sliced Pork Belly with Black Pepper Sauce 砂煲花胶猪肚浓汤(预定) Braised Fish Maw with Pork Stomach in Claypot (Adv Order) Photo ✻
“玻璃碗成碧玉光,五味纷错生馨香。 出盘四座已叹息,举箸不敢争先尝。 --明代李流” 红烧4头鲜鲍 Braised Fresh Abalone Photo 红烧鲜鲍 (10头) Braised Fresh Abalone Photo 冰镇澳洲鲍鱼 Sashimi Australia Abalone Photo Chef Recommend 龙船海参大丰收 (预订) Braised Whole Sea Cucumber in Dragon Boat (Pre Order) 帝膳一品锅 Special Seafood Assortment with Ginseng Chef Recommend 奇珍海味热盘 Special Seafood Assortment with Hot Plate Photo Chef Recommend 豪华大盆菜 (预订) Luxury Poon Choi (Pre Order) ✻
“坛启荤香飘四邻,佛闻弃禅跳墙来。” 古法生拆蟹皇翅 Braised Shark’ fins Soup with Crab Meat and Crab Roe Photo 龙皇带子翅 Braised Shark’ fins Soup with Scallop & Prawn 盅仔红烧鲍翅 Braised Superior Shark’ fins Soup Photo 百年古方佛跳墙 (预定) Traditional Monk Jump over the Wall (Pre Order) Photo Chef Recommend 盅仔顶汤鲍翅 Double Boiled Superior Shark’ fins Soup Photo 泰式海味煲仔翅 Braised Superior Shark’ Fin Soup in Thai Style in Clay pot Photo ✻
“每一道菜都包含一个感人的故事,可能是 与你的家人,可能是与你的挚友,每一个 故事都会给这道菜增添与众不同的味道。” 新奇珍招牌滑蛋河 SKT Special Kuay Teow Photo 客家肉末捞生面 Stir Fried Egg Noodle with Minced Meat Sauce in Hakka Style Photo Chef Recommend 福建手工卤面 Special Handmade Luo Mee Photo 泰味筷子炒米粉 Stir Fried Rice Noodle with Seafood and Fish Gravy Chef Recommend 妈祖长寿手工面线 Special Handmade Birthday Mee Xua 经典扬州炒饭 Yang Chow Fried Rice Photo 渔人炒饭 Fisherman Fried Rice Chef Recommend 乾隆宝鼎御膳饭 Special Imperial Fried Rice Chef Recommend 金牌厨神霹雳饭 Special Chef’s Fried Rice 樱花海苔海鲜饭 Sakura Seafood Golden Fried Rice Photo ✻
“美景美人与美食,是现代人的三大幸福向往。 美景远在天边难以触及,美人众里寻她千百度 不见踪影,只有美食,像一位忠实的朋友,静 静地躲在某个角落,耐心地期待着你去品尝。” 黄金爆浆流沙包(最少5粒) Steamed Golden Butter Bun (min 5 pcs) 古法金瓜芋泥盅 (预定) Yam Paste in Pumpkin in Traditional Style (Adv Order) Photo 潮州豆蓉芋泥 Yam Paste with Red Beans in “Teo Chew”Style Chef Recommend 台湾雪花冰 Taiwan Snow Ice 冰时季鲜果盘 Fresh Fruit platter Photo 红枣冰糖雪蛤 Double Boiled “Hasmah” with Red Dates & Rock Sugar 泡参冰糖燕窝 (预订) Double Boiled Bird’s Nest with Ginseng & Rock Sugar (Pre Order) Photo ✻